SAVMA members overwhelmingly rate VetPrep the most useful NAVLE® review service available

Study with NAVLE®-like Timed Exams

Study with NAVLE®-like Timed Exams

Practice exams designed to get you comfortable with the exam experience

Review Key Topics with PowerPages

Review Key Topics with PowerPages

Detailed summaries for quick and efficient review of key NAVLE® subjects

Unlimited Review with Pile of Done

Unlimited Review with the Pile of Done

Stay fresh with never-ending random question review in a slideshow-like format

Detailed Metrics

Detailed Metrics

Track your performance and more effectively allocate study time with data- and feature-packed stats

Customer Support & Ask an Expert

Customer Support & Ask an Expert

Friendly and top-notch customer support plus "Ask an Expert" if you don't quite understand a question

Questions Written by Experts

Questions Written by Experts

VetPrep Certified questions and answer explanations are peer-reviewed by experts

PowerLectures Guide You through the Most Pertinent Review Material

Concise and Engaging PowerLectures

Mini-reviews that guide you through the most pertinent material with streaming audio and slides

24/7 Access on both PC and Mobile

100% Online and Mobile

Study on your computer or prep on a smartphone or tablet with our iOS and Android apps

Choose the Plan that's Right for You

Choose the Plan that's Right for You

45-, 90-, and 180-day subscriptions available, all with study plans tailored to ensure success

Peace of Mind, Guaranteed

Peace of Mind, Guaranteed

All plans are backed by the VetPrep Guarantee


The Most Trusted Way to Prepare for the NAVLE®

There's No Better Prep Than Our NAVLE®-like Timed Exams


There's No Better Prep Than Our NAVLE®-like Timed Exams

The question topics and user interface were carefully modeled after the actual NAVLE®, meaning that you'll be accustomed to the timed test, and better able to gauge your ability to answer questions during a full block of the exam.

A built-in calculator, notes, highlighting, strikethrough, and a robust exam review page are just a few of the features that prepare you for test day.


VetPrep Mobile App

You can now prep for the NAVLE® on your smartphone or tablet with our app for iOS and Android. Take a few questions, review a couple of PowerPages or PowerLectures, or sneak in a quick timed exam whenever and wherever you have a little time. The app is available for free with every VetPrep subscription.

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VetPrep Mobile App

Clear & Concise Topical Pages

VetPrep PowerPages

PowerPages are neatly packaged PDFs each focused on a single key veterinary topic. Each PowerPage is condensed to the main points on the subject for quick synopsis. They provide the equivalent of a summary and highlights for a topic specific lecture or review session. PowerPages are also linked to questions on the topic for easy accessibility when you need additional information to master the concept.

Sample PowerPages

Full Comprehension

Thorough Answer Explanations

Detailed answer explanations are one of the most important learning tools in VetPrep. Instead of memorizing answers, the explanations help you better understand the concepts. Don't just learn which answer choice is the correct choice; learn why that answer is indeed the correct choice. No NAVLE® questions will be identical to what you've studied, therefore comprehension is key to success on exam day.

Thorough answer explanations

Engaging Videos

VetPrep PowerLectures

PowerLectures are mini-reviews that guide you through the most pertinent material with streaming audio and slides. Each lecture is short (usually between 5 and 15 minutes) and intended to emphasize the aspects of each disease that is most important and most likely to be emphasized on your board examination. New PowerLectures are released regularly and available on your computer and mobile device. VetPrep Premium only

Sample PowerLectures

Pile of Done™

Unlimited Question Review

Stay fresh with never-ending question review in a slideshow-like format. Each time you dive into the Pile of Done, we'll randomly serve questions, providing the answer and explanation after each one. So it's a great way to stay on top of everything once you've made it through most of the Practice Questions and Timed Exams. VetPrep Premium only

Format that simulates the actual NAVLE
Hand-crafted Questions & Material

VetPrep Certified Questions & Material

Peer Reviewed Questions & Material Written by Experts

All of our questions are VetPrep Certified - each one carefully crafted and peer-reviewed by experts. Additionally, every question is written by a specialist in the field, reviewed by peers, and sent to a copy editor to ensure clinical accuracy and clarity.

Study Efficiently & Effectively

Detailed Metrics

Completely redesigned, your statistics page is now packed with detailed information, helping you far more efficiently and effectively allocate your study time. Stay laser focused on the four main species on the NAVLE®, while drilling down into your performance in all categories and subcategories. Slice up your data by windows of time, review questions in category/subcategory combos with the click of a button, see how you're trending in specific areas, and much more.

Detailed metrics

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